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Why Refinish Your Deck?

The climate that makes the Prescott area attractive also speeds up the deterioration of wood in a deck. Your deck needs to be refinished regularly for many reasons. Two of them are:

  1. To keep it looking great.
  2. For health and safety.

The experts at B and M Painting, Inc., will explain some essentials to consider when it comes to deck refinishing.

Weather Conditions and Decks

Both sunlight and extreme moisture in the air generates a lot of destruction to the finish and stain of a deck. No wooden deck will bear up forever. They need to be continually maintained because even the best surface sealants will slowly wear and need to be freshened periodically. However, decks with the right blend of quality stain and finish will thrive for many, many years before needing replacement. The cost to hire experts to refinish your deck is well worth the money. The problems decks develop as the weather will be resolved by professional refinishing. Why not let us take care of it all?


As sealants on the surface of a deck begin to crack and wear, moisture enters the wood. The results can be quite serious. Here are some reasons why:

  • Mold penetrates through the cracks of the surface and begins and grow.
  • Mold in a deck is not only unsightly; it can be a dangerous health issue, especially to people who are sensitive to molds.
  • The Quad-Cities is well known for its humidity during the monsoons, so mold problems occur here quite often.
  • Once mold grows in the deck, the only way to remove it is to completely strip and clean the wood and apply chemicals that kill the spores.
  • Health problems from mold disappear only when the mold is gone, and the surface is sealed.

UV Ray Protection

The Prescott and surrounding areas are known for the hot summer sun. Sunlight UV rays wear down finishes, paints, and stains, leaving any structure with less protection over time. New, quality stains and finishes will not only make your deck pleasing to the eye but will also shield the wood underneath from deterioration. Opaque coatings offer more protection than more transparent ones. However, any finish is better than no finish! The professional team at B and M Paint, Inc., will keep your sundeck in the best possible condition. It is important to strip and refinish a deck every couple of years in order to maintain the protection supplied by the sealants. Our staff will expertly keep the color and finish on your deck fresh and protective!

The Stain and Deck Refinish Experts in Prescott, AZ

Our skilled team at B and M Painting, Inc., guarantees attractive and long-lasting results for every client. Our courteous and professional staff would love to inspect your sundeck and give you a free consultation and bid in Prescott, Prescott Valley, Dewey, Humboldt, Mayer, and Chino Valley. We are licensed, bonded, and insured. Give us a call at 1-928-636-8281. Send us an email at [email protected] and visit our website at BandMPaintingAZ.com.