Painting News2025-03-03T22:45:48+00:00
  • A room with white walls and beige floors.


Tips, Tricks, and News from the Experts at B and M Painting


How to Prevent Property Damage from Arizona Monsoons!

Arizona Monsoons Cause Property Damage! There are rainstorms and there are rip-roaring rainstorms like we have here in Prescott, Arizona. Our monsoons, complete with sporadic hail stones will be rolling full speed by the end of the month. Unfortunately, the massive scale of these storms often brings property damage from water, and sometimes ice. Restoration from Monsoon Havoc We at B&M Painting are the Quad-Cities experts for restoration from the severe summer storms. Sealing and finishing of surfaces, as well as replacement if needed. B&M takes care of moisture and roof damage for both residential and commercial buildings. Water and

June 16th, 2022|

Trending Exterior Colors in 2022

7 Best Exterior Paint Colors for Your Home. Are you thinking about changing the exterior color of your home? Let's talk about some of the trending exterior colors people in the Prescott area are loving just now. We are excited about the bold shades and tones that are trending and the current classic fashions.     1 - Warm Shades Are Here! Elegant, warm colors are becoming popular with attractive siding and trim combinations. Warm grays with and khaki accents can present a striking appearance could be one of the best exterior paint colors.   2 - On the Lighter

May 29th, 2022|

Springtime Painting: The Perfect Season to Paint Your Home’s Exterior

Top 5 Reasons Why Spring is the Perfect Season for Painting in Prescott Springtime painting is the best time to paint in Prescott. Many people think that summer is the best time to get their exterior paint job. There are some problems with that philosophy here in the Prescott area. In short "for this neck of the woods," springtime is often the best season for exterior painting. Let's consider some of the reasons why. 1 - Summer Monsoons Here in the Quad-Cities, we get hit with some heavy monsoon rainstorms. They usually begin in late June and are quite unpredictable

May 22nd, 2022|

Painting Your House: Essential Prep

What You Need to Know Before Painting Your Home The only property improvement project that quickly revives, beautifies, and protects its investment effectively and affordably is painting your house. New coats of paint can completely transform the look and value of your home. And while painting your house can be a big job, it's a project that necessitates preparation. Painting your house's exterior is challenging because it needs to withstand the elements. It's also necessary to seal any exposed wood and roofing areas before painting. You'll want to make sure that all surfaces are clean and dry so the paint

April 22nd, 2022|

Wood Stain: How to Choose the Right Stain Color

What colors of wood stain for a log home or deck? Well, we have some rich and striking trends for wood stains here in the rustic Prescott area. The Times They Are a-Changin' In the previous decades, most all log homes and decks shared the same tint of brown on the exterior. The up-to-date exterior wood-stain color choices have increased considerably with the turn of the century. As a result, homeowners have become chicer and bolder. Now manufacturers of staining products offer a more extensive palette of colors from which to choose. Modern wood stain range of color hews now

February 20th, 2022|

Interior Color Trends for 2022

Interior Paint Colors 2021 is behind us, and we are already well into 2022. Even so, are you getting ready to think about your interior painting projects? Here in the Prescott area, we are seeing some creative painting and color trends moving forward in 2022. The Subtle Pull for Creative Color Trends Overall thoughtful application of color is a very powerful visual tool. Well-planned hues and tones similarly influence the mood of any space with an unconscious emotional pull. Our Emotion Cries Out for Color! Most of us have never considered this, but one of the most interesting things about

February 15th, 2022|






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