An attractive outdoor deck is a great American tradition. Because of our mild climate, the folks in Prescott can enjoy their backyard areas nearly year-round. Many spend a lot of that time on their decks. Some homeowners do the job themselves when it is time to re-stain the deck. Others attempt staining before they hire a professional painting company. But many homeowners with decks recognize that a regularly contracted deck stain is essential. Why is this true? Here are our seven reasons why you need to hire a pro to re-stain your deck.

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Boost the Home Value!

The sun and harsh weather elements reduce the vibrance of any outdoor structure. A deck becomes unsightly as it absorbs UV rays from the sun and moisture. Pick up that curb appeal and lift the value of your property.


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Deck Staining is Part of Regular Maintenance.

Let’s face it, we need to mow the grass, clean the gutters, and periodically paint the house’s exterior. So, think of deck stain as part of the regular maintenance work. Additionally, unlike some of the other chores mentioned, a professional justifiably needs to be hired to get this job done right.


Your time is valuable.

Fun and relaxation are important when you are not working your day job. And if you are retired, you want to have fun and relax all the time!

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Higher quality work.

A professional painting company, for example, uses better-quality tools and products than a DIY staining job. Experienced, trained painters will produce gorgeous, resilient results.

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Longer lasting.

The finish on professionally stained decks will last considerably longer than any DIY-stained deck. The better the work crew and the products, the longer the finish and protection will last. You will save a bundle over the years if you hire a good painting company.

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The job will take less time.

Like any big DIY project, deck staining requires specific tools and supplies. Quality stains and finishes, paint brushes, applicators, power washers, prep tools for cleaning: We have it all!

No mess.

The main reason we are sharing seven reasons why you need to hire a pro to re-stain your deck is the time and the mess. A DIY staining job comes with lots of messes. Who wants to spend the time it takes to clean brushes and clothes, and who wants to gather up the drop cloths? We are here for you. When we leave, the only thing that remains is a beautiful, fresh-looking deck!

Log and Cedar Staining Done Right!

B&M Painting Inc. is your wood stain expert. In fact, every re-stain job receives multiple coats of stain and back brushing to seal the grain of the wood to attain a uniform appearance. Wood brightener is available to remove any discoloration due to improper maintenance. We offer a wide variety of stain packages.

Call B&M Painting

Overall, from staining decks to garage floors to painting, we cover it all (pun intended). Contact us for a complimentary consultation!